Joe Sandefur

Member since 2021

Home:  Trenton, KY

Occupation:  Metalsa

Wife: Dana

Children: Zach and Regan

Church:  Trenton Baptist Church

Fishing experience: 46 years

Who got me fishing: My Dad

Favorite time of year to fish: Summer Nights

Favorite Lure: Rattletrap

Boat and Motor: Ranger/Evinrude

Favorite out-of-area body of water: Lake Guntersville

Dream Trip: Fishing Lake Guntersville with Gerald Swindle,  Zach Sandefur, Rondall Sandefur (my Dad)

Memorable childhood fishing trip:  I was about 8 years old and caught a 5.5 lb bass on a water shed with my Dad and Grandfather in Muhlenberg County.