Modified MLF Club Tournament


7:00pm to 2:00am

Kenlake Ramp

$40.00 entry

Event- Night MLF

Modified MLF Club Tournament

7:00pm to 2:00am

Kenlake Ramp

0.00 entry

(includes smallmouth, largemouth, and “other species” pots)


 -Just as the MLF rules, every keeper will count, however we are modifying the process.

-There will be no “check in” periods during this event.  Launch at 7pm and return at 2am.

-Unlike the daytime length to weight chart sheet we used the last couple of years, we will not need those.

-Teams will bring in their 3 best fish, but every legal keeper beyond your 3 fish limit is a 1 pound addition to your 3 fish weight.   For example, if Team A catches 7 keepers and their 3 biggest weighed 7.5lbs + 4 additional keepers = 11.5lbs

-When you do catch a keeper, each team will notify the group scoretracker text IMMEDIATLY after releasing or putting it into the livewell.    (i.e. Team A 4th keeper)  Everyone will know your # of keepers, but not your weight until the weigh-in.  


-There will be no “check in” periods during this event.  Launch at 7pm and return at 2am.

-Just as the MLF rules, every keeper will count, however we are modifying the process.

-Unlike the daytime length to weight chart sheet we used the last couple of years, we will not need those.

-Teams will bring in their 3 best fish, but every legal keeper beyond your 3 fish limit is a 1 pound addition to your 3 fish weight.   For example, if Team VanDam/Clunn catches 7 keepers and their 3 biggest weighed 7.5lbs + 4 additional keepers = 11.5lbs

-When you do catch a keeper, each team will notify the group scoretracker text IMMEDIATLY after releasing or putting it into the livewell.    (i.e. Team VanDam/Clunn- 4th keeper)  Everyone will know your # of keepers, but not your weight until the weigh-in.  

At least one of the two anglers must be an active FOCAS member.

We will meet at Kenlake.    However, you may trailer to any ramp on Barkley or Kentucky.

The entry fee will be $40.00 per boat.    

Please try to be there by 6:15pm for fellowship and a prayer meeting. 

Club Night Tournament Rules: 

            -Five fish limit per boat.

            -Only Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Kentucky Spotted Bass measuring 15" will be weighed.

            -Late penalty is total DQ. 

            -Anglers cannot be under the influence or illegal drugs at any FOCAS event.

            -There will be a 1/2 pound deduction for each dead fish.