2021 August "C'Mon Partner" Event

This tournament is unique in that you can only weigh in 3 fish if BOTH partners contribute to the 3 fish that are brought in.    So, at some point one angler probably said,  "C'mon partner, catch one!"  

Ben Gore and James Shelton

2nd Place


1.     3     8.48     Brandon Henderson and Tyler Stevenson

2.     3     7.70     James Shelton and Ben Gore

3.     3     7.35     Clint Haley and Steve Stinson  

4.     3     7.31     Sam Henry and Greg Sharp

5.     1     7.25     Hunter Shelton and Gary Houha

6.     1     6.94     Joe Sandefur and Chris Crick

                           Steve Ladd and Luke Barnes

                           Curtis Smith and Brad Chalfin

                           Micheal and Dom Sabatino

Big Largemouth      4.75     Tyler Stevenson

Big Smallmouth      3.31     Chris Crick

Big Other (Drum)    5.25     Steve Ladd

Tyler Stevenson and Brandon Henderson

1st Place and Big Largemouth